Friday, December 27, 2019

Assisted Suicide - 2374 Words

FDENG 101 July 12, 2010 A Time to Die Matthew Donnelly was a young man who fully appreciated the beauty of being alive. He had several friends and a brilliant mind that helped him do priceless research in the field of X-rays. Everything about his life seemed to be normal. He was young, and his hopes for the future were full of excitement and dreams that appeared very likely to come true. However, a day that Matthew had never before anticipated was now reality before his eyes. Shockingly, at age 30, Matthew Donnelly was diagnosed with a brutal case of skin cancer. Suddenly, his mind was bombarded with unanswered questions that seemed to flourish and infuse every beat of his heart with fear. Instead of†¦show more content†¦It does not take much to look around and see how much medicine has developed over the years. Scenarios involving certain illnesses that at sometime in the past seemed to be hopeless have been studied and treatments carefully developed. Many medical discoveries have be en made, and many are the lives that have been spared because of such. On the other hand, however, it is undeniable that there are many forms of physical disorder that still cannot be fully explained by medicine. Extremely knowledgeable researchers and devoted doctors have been grappling with problems such as cancer and AIDS for decades, yet nothing has been discovered or developed further enough to completely cure these and also many other forms of deadly illnesses. It is not possible to imagine the everyday life of a person plagued with terminal illness. Not only is their burden incomparably heavy, but also that of their family and friends who are forced to watch a loved one suffer over long periods of time. The Journal of Medical Ethics, one of the world’s most respected voices in the field of medicine, attempted to explore the experience of 18 people fighting against a terminal illness and make known the opinion of patients who are the main â€Å"target† of any decision made over this issue. A young female patient suffering from chronic obstructive lung disease emphasized her desire to be in control of her own life and be given the right to choose death over life. She said, â€Å"IShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Assisted Suicide And Suicide1062 Words   |  5 PagesAfter researching assisted suicide I have more questions than when I started. The definition of assisted suicide is very factual: suicide facilitated by another per son, especially a physician, who organized the logistics of the suicide, as by providing the necessary quantities of a poison (The definition of assisted suicide 2016). After much research I have learned that assisted suicide is an option one has to make depending on their moral standards, will to live, and how they want to die ratherRead More Euthanasia Essay - Assisted Suicide1579 Words   |  7 PagesAssisted Suicide/Euthanasia      Ã‚   Remarkably, few have noticed that frail, elderly and terminally ill people oppose assisted suicide more than other Americans. The assisted-suicide agenda is moving forward chiefly with vocal support from the young, the able-bodied and the affluent, who may even think that their parents and grandparents share their enthusiasm. They are wrong.    Thus the assisted suicide agenda appears as a victory not for freedom, but for discrimination. At its heartRead MoreDoctor Assisted Suicide And Suicide1585 Words   |  7 PagesDoctor assisted suicide is a topic that has recently become a much larger debated issue than before. A timeline put together by Michael Manning and Ian Dowbigging shows that prior to Christianity, doctor assisted suicide was something that was tolerated, and was not heavily questioned (2). Yet, in the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas had made a statement about suicide as well as doctor assisted suicide, and his words shaped the Catholic teaching on suicide into what they teach today. Beginning in theRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal1578 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the alternative options is Physician-Assisted Suicide; defined as the voluntary termination of one’s own life by administration of a lethal substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician (â€Å"Physician-assi sted†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). In layman’s terms it means that a physician administers medications to the patients to use on their own terms, and it’s entirely up to the patient whether or not to ingest the medication. I know Physician-Assisted Suicide is a practical solution to terminally ill patients’Read MoreEssay Problems with Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide1262 Words   |  6 PagesEuthanasia Problems      Ã‚  Doctors do err on cancer patients survival times, so how can they say when the time is ripe for assisted suicide. A study in the July 1 issue of Cancer, the journal of the American Cancer Society, finds that doctors are often wrong in predicting how long terminally ill cancer patients will live. After studying the accuracy of doctors predictions regarding 233 patients with end-of-life cancer, the researchers found most doctors had a tendency to overestimate survivalRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Essay1214 Words   |  5 Pagesrelentless pain and agony through physician assisted death? Physician-Assisted Suicide PAS is highly contentious because it induces conflict of several moral and ethical questions such as who is the true director of our lives. Is suicide an individual choice and should the highest priority to humans be alleviating pain or do we suffer for a purpose? Is suicide a purely individual choice? Having analyzed and even experience the effects of physician assisted suicide, I promote and fully support its legalityRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Thesis Statement1679 Words   |  7 Pagesrequests for physician-assisted suicide are now a viable possibility. Knowing the pathways to answering to those patients, as their requests for assisted death persist, is upmost importance. As of June, 9th 2016 California became the fifth state to allow physician-assisted suicide. The California’s End of Life Option Act authorizes any individual 18 years of age or older, who has been diagnosed as terminally ill and fits specific criteria, to solicit administration of assisted dying drugs at the handsRead MorePhysician’s Assisted Suicide1063 Words   |  5 Pagesthe question may arise as to whether or not third parties should be allowed to intentionally end the life of the patient or help the patient commit suicide. Physician’s assisted suicide should be a legal option for terminally ill patients all throughout the United States. Currently in the US there are three states that have physician assisted suicide laws in place. Oregon was the first state to pass a law allowing physicians to help end the lives of the terminally ill. This law was called the 1997Read MoreThe Legalization of Assisted Suicide1291 Words   |  5 PagesAssisted Suicide has through out history caused controversy among our society. There are two sides to this issue, one that passionately supports it, and those who religiously disagree. I believe that assisted suicide should become legal for several reasons. Assisted suicide gives individuals the right to end their suffering when they personally feel that their time has come to die. Assisted suicide should become legal because if one can decide to put an animal out of its misery, why shouldn’t thatRead MoreThe Choice Of Assisted Suicide1314 Words   |  6 Pag esthe law so patients are allowed to lawfully receive assistance to peacefully pass away. The acceptability to acquire â€Å"assisted suicide† has been designed into five factors. It is the combination of a patient’s age, curability of illness, degree of suffering, mental status, and extent of patients requests for the procedure. Moreover, no discussion on assisted suicide is complete without looking into the experience of Oregon, which was the first state in the U.S. to pass the Death with Dignity

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Reflection Paper - 3047 Words

Danielle Brown Ms. Purser Orientation 105, Section 1 2 December 2013 Inspiring the Extraordinary When I picked up the book Make the Impossible Possible by Bill Strickland, I could not help but form a negative opinion about it. I thought, â€Å"Great. Here is another book trying to tell me how to generically make my life better.† I looked up at Ms. Purser with a sneer and pessimistic thoughts running through my head. As soon as I began reading the first chapter, though, my opinion turned on its head. This was proving to be a book written from a real person’s perspective. Instead of clichà © instructions on how to improve my life, I was reading the story of a man who came up in the ghetto, but changed his mentality and began leading a†¦show more content†¦A pottery moment is one moment that changes your life forever and gives you a feeling of purpose and accomplishment. These moments are once-in-a-lifetime occurrences and something you will never forget. Mine, for instance, has to do with rap. When I started out rapping, it was horrendous. My lyrics were below-average and my delivery was choppy and lacking confidence. One day in my bathroom, I could not get the song â€Å"Same Love† by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis out of my head. The beat was so catchy, in fact, that I started writing a rap to it. A week later, I had a three verse song recorded and finalized that enabled me to tell my story about being gay. When I went to my friend Zach’s house to record it, he fell in love with my version of the song. He has always been my number one fan, so that coming from him made me feel good, but not great. When he put the song on the internet though, listeners loved it. Getting compliments from fans telling me how inspiring that song was and how good of a rapper I am gave me an incredible feeling that is incomparable. Now every time I write a song that I know is powerful, it gives me a high like nothing else in this world. I have always been so doubtful of myself but writing raps and playi ng guitar and singing give me pride in myself that I have never experienced before. I gain fans every day and it is the most amazing feeling. I write music for other people, not myself. I can shareShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper1317 Words   |  6 Pagesused to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my hands, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is has caused me to grow greatly as aRead MoreReflection Paper836 Words   |  4 Pagesand integrating quotes. Before my papers were full of â€Å"she said† and â€Å"she would say†; which was boring and showed poor ability to lengthen my word choice. I als o had a tendency to just throw quotes in and not integrate it into my writings. By the end of my English 101 class my papers began to present with words like â€Å"the author noted†, or â€Å"she stated† along with many other word choices and proper ways of using quotes. Here is an example from my final research paper: â€Å"Author Stephanie Jackson, a certifiedRead MoreNursing Reflection Paper858 Words   |  4 Pagesremainder of this reflection. I met Betty about eight years ago, as I was a close friend of her brother. Although her brother and I grew apart, I would still occasionally see Betty around. Never did I think that I would ever see her on the unit in which I was working, but a few weeks ago, this idea changed. When I arrived back to the nurse’s station after checking on each of my patients, I saw that my co-caring nurse was getting an admission. I looked down at the sheets of paper he had in front ofRead MoreReflection Paper On The Humanities Field1071 Words   |  5 Pages Over the course of this semester each paper that was written helped to introduce me and my fellow classmates to different formatting, and genres of writing. A lot of knowledge was gained from writing these papers and I was able to compare and contrast the disciplinary writings and notice what makes each of them stand out. Reflecting back on these individual papers helps to express what I have learned. The first paper that was written was the humanities essay. The humanities essay helped to provideRead MorePersonal Reflection Paper On English1015 Words   |  5 Pages Reflection Paper English has never been my strong suit. I always hated English simply, because I never concerned myself as a writer. I always stuck to the bare minimum and was pleased to know that I passed. I honestly never tried hard in English because I never felt good enough. I did not see myself as a confident writer and I am not sure I ever will. Since, being enrolled in English 201, it supplied some challenges that I was not ready for and felt unsuited for. Along the way, I learnRead MoreReflection Paper Boat Design839 Words   |  4 Pages When assigned a project that involved building our very own boat, each boat design was created with inspiration from things in our own lives. My design was inspired by my interest in the origami paper boat and rafts. A flaw in this design was that, making the boat like a raft included the use of straws in which was a material not available for this project. Other designs included one of a boat from Isis Green’s favorite movie Pirates of the Caribbean, a design from a fantasy summer place imaginedRead MoreReflection Paper On Writing And Writing1085 Words   |  5 PagesThe content of my paper was typically not the issue, the organization of the ideas was. I always had good ideas to write about, but I never knew how to organize those thoughts into a well-organized paper. Although in Writing 101, I used the multiple steps of the writing process to insert my ideas into a well-written paper, I continued to struggle in areas such as grammar and mechanics. In Writ 102, I was able t o realize that the writing process develops over time, and the best papers result from revisionRead MoreReflection Paper : Barbie Q By Sandra Cisneros938 Words   |  4 Pagesexploration paper, the reading and writing paper, the annotated bibliography, and the academic research paper. The semester began with basic lessons on general writing rules during class and progressed into a much more complex course, including lessons on expansion and development of evidence and supporting details, as well as the argument of the paper as a whole. Although each assignment taught something new, each built onto the last and helped transition my progress through each paper. The firstRead MoreReflection Paper On Reflection1076 Words   |  5 Pagesknew how to write short story analysis papers, or your run-of-the-mill story reflection. After hearing I would have wrote a total of 5000 words minimum, I was left flabbergasted. Nevertheless, the challenges faced when writing these papers gave me an abundant amount of knowledge in transitional word use, and finally becoming comfortable with the drafting process. When writing my papers, however, I still would like to increase my ability to structure my papers with more confidence. Before this periodRead MoreReflections Paper1552 Words   |  7 PagesComfort and Gods Glory Ray Kirby Liberty University In the decision to discuss two topics included within this reflection paper I have been led to discuss two doctrines that are close to all Christians. The comfort of God and the glory of God are the two doctrines that I have focused on over the last several weeks. The comfort of God has touched me at times over the course of my life however, never as much as it has over the last year. I wish to praise the glory of God as directed within

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Law Of Trump Developments Ltd Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Law Of Trump Developments Ltd. Answer: Issue Do the directors of the company, Trump Developments Ltd, have any defences against an action by the Australian Securities and Investment (ASIC) or the Australian securities Exchange (ASX)? Rule The facts of the case make it clear that the directors of the company, Trump Developments Ltd, have breached the provisions of the Corporations Act, 2001. Section 180 of the Corporations Act, 2001 stipulates that a director or other officer of a company must act and use his powers in respect of his position with reasonable diligence and care.[1] The directors of the company failed to do so and ran into massive overruns and exhausted all of the companys resources. They also failed to ensure that the developmental works in USA and the Carribean were conducted under a safe environment. Their failure led to the casualty of 3 workmen. Section 181 of the Corporations Act, 2001 lays down that a director of a company should discharge their duties and use their powers in respect of the company for a purpose laid down by the constitution of the company and in good faith keeping the best interests of the company.[2] The facts of the present case make it clear that the directors of Trump Developments Ltd contravened the provisions of this section by investing in development of Casinos in a substantial manner when the companys constitution clearly stated that their primary function would be development of residential apartments. In addition to this, they also amassed foreign investment for their developmental projects, which is in contravention of the constitution of the company. Section 182 of the Corporations Act, 2001 establishes that a director of a company should not use his position to the disadvantage of the company.[3] Big Donald used his position as the Chief Executive Director of the company to invest in Casino Development even though Hillary opposed the idea. Bernie and Little Marco decided to side with Big Donald to prevent another unpleasant confrontation. These events establish that Big Donald used his position to the loss of the company. Section 184 of the Corporations Act, 2001 stipulates that an officer or director of a companys acts shall be treated as an offence if those actions are within the scope of his powers and position in relation to the company and those acts are: Reckless; or Not honest by intention; or Not in good faith and in the corporations best interests; For a purpose that is proper[4] The facts of the case establish that the directors of Trump Developments are in contravention of the above-mentioned provisions. Application In the landmark case of ASIC vs Rich, 2009, the ASIC brought charges of breaching his duty of care that led to the collapse of the One Tel. telecommunications company. The proceedings of this case ran for almost nine years and it was held that the ASIC had failed to prove any of its charges against Mr. Rich and thereby dismissed the case.[5] The only defence that the companys directors have is to plead that their conducts were intended towards the best interests of the corporation (in respect of the companys bankruptcy) as the constitution of the company did not expressly prevent them to enter into developmental works other than residential apartments. In respect of the workmen casualties, the directors may plead that they exercised duty of care to the best of their abilities. Conclusion The only defence left to the directors of Trump Development Ltd., is to plead that their actions were intended keeping the best interests of the company in mind. References ASIC v Rich 635 [7288] Austlii (2017). Retrieved 1 September 2017, from Austlii (2017). Retrieved 1 September 2017, from Austlii (2017). Retrieved 1 September 2017, from Austlii (2017). Retrieved 1 September 2017, from

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Racism Essays (595 words) - Racism, Discrimination, Hatred

Racism I must admit that before I began taking this class I took for granted how much racism still exists in this country. I have started to put more thought in to the way the world really is, the topics discussed in class have started to catch my interest. When I first started reading the Tatum book I was mad when I read her version of the word racism. I thought to my self I personally have never held down the black race, what does she mean? As I progressed in the book I was starting to understand what she meant about the system of advantages that white people are given. I also understood this better when I read Elizabeth Munichs list of examples of how there are advantages to being white. I couldnt help agreeing with her argument based on what I have seen in my life so far. I have seen blacks harassed in stores and denied housing. At the time I simply felt it was too bad and forgot about it. According to Tatum I was practicing passive racism and I agree with her on that. I have never done anything to try and change the system and I do reap the advantages of being white whether or not I like it. I believe that reading this book has opened my eyes to how much racism still exists in this country that claims to uphold equal rights. Another argument that Tatum discusses is how everybody is prejudiced in one way or another. I also believe this is true, almost everyone I know has made a racist joke or laughed at one at least. I believe that this is because of the way we were raised, when we were young we had questions about other races that remained unanswered. This is another reason why it is hard for me to discuss race openly. Then of course there is influence by our peers that can help or hurt our beliefs. As far as the scientific work on race is concerned I believe that the majority of the scientists had strong racist opinions and feelings before they even started thier research. All of the scientists who wrote the articles in reprint #1 appear to be white and have benefited from the racist society to get into their position in the first place, so why would it be logical for them to publish anything good about minorities that would affairs when people like this who have the power to teach use their power to spread a threaten this system of advantages that they have thrived on. These are the reasons why I think these people could try and pass this stuff of as scientific research. It is a sad state of racist message. These scientists were respected and Im sure their word was taken literally by the general public. These men used their positions to spread their racist views in my opinion. The main points that I have learned from my readings is that the society we live in today is not what it is cracked up to be. Minorities are constantly being taken advantage of and discriminated against. Until this system is changed or at least acknowledged by the majority of people living here these problems will remain. From what I have read and seen in my life the relations between whites and minority groups has gotten better but still has a long way to go before we can truly say that are rights are equal. Current Events