Thursday, August 27, 2020
Gattaca Essay free essay sample
Gattaca Essay Gattaca is an advanced film that tends to the potential issues of hereditary segregation and the issues that happen in an experimentally upgraded world. The film gives numerous case of hereditary segregation as it follows the life of the primary character Vincent, a hereditarily incapacitated individual or invalid. As paired to a hereditarily great, legitimate. The more conspicuous issues raised including invalids incorporate finding reasonable early youngster care and getting occupations in favored enterprises. Both these issues have persuading positive and negative contentions that will be summed up underneath. Hereditary separation happens in various territories all through the film however starts at the kid care focus Vincent’s mother and father attempt to select him in. They can't sign him up as he was determined during childbirth to have various conceivable hereditary issue that the kid care focuses protection would not cover for. This prompts different issues, for example, the guardians teaching him at home since the beginning which might create different concerns. We will compose a custom paper test on Gattaca Essay or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page His social abilities would be seriously lacking because of absence of socialization with other kids his age. With his folks showing him Vincent might not have had the option to pick up the most elevated conceivable degree of instruction that the youngster care focus would have in any case had the option to give. He would then start his advanced education ailing in the aptitudes other legitimate understudies in his year previously had. Then again without invalid understudies going to kid care focuses the teachers can concentrate on the legitimate understudies that are bound to succeed and advance towards a beneficial future in the work power. In the event that an invalid understudy is allowed to go to a youngster care focus the security of that kid and the others going to is seriously undermined. In the event that an administrator was continually stressed over the wellbeing of the invalid kid their consideration would not be equitably circulated between different understudies which could cause different hazardous circumstances. All for a mind-blowing duration Vincent longed for going into space but since he was an invalid it was a practically out of reach dream. The main way he had the option to acquire his objective was to take the character of a substantial. By doing this and aggregating enough information to go as a legitimate he turned into a space explorer and with certain challenges made it into space. In the event that he had not had the option to take a valid’s character Vincent would have endured as he would not have accomplished his maximum capacity in adding to society. The most critical issue with being an invalid in the work power is that the more generously compensated occupations are inaccessible in light of their status so they need to manage with a lower paid employment where they might be abused and compelled to work with insignificant compensation because of their expanding requirement for cash. There are anyway numerous focal points for the businesses. They are bound to realize who to recruit and how profitable that representative will be. This lessens the probability of terminated workers and utilizing more individuals for an occupation that could be cultivated by just a single legitimate. Just as this if an applying worker needs the position enough they will continue endeavoring to be better than the rest and this will thusly drive the standard higher in the work power which must be viewed as an advantage. In end there are numerous contentions for and against hereditary separation. Segregation helps nearly each and every individual who isn’t being victimized. For instance the youngster care laborers can lessen their numbers to focus on singular needs and diminish their protection costs, where as representatives can decrease the quantity of workers which along these lines lessens their costs. Shockingly the invalids being oppressed don't get sufficient early instruction and frequently pass up generously compensated occupations in the enterprises they check out. At times segregation accomplishes work on the grounds that most of individuals are valid’s and they are getting the advantages while the invalids endeavor to accomplish their greatest possibilities in a universe of hereditary flawlessness. Word Count: 688 words
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Financial Plan ABC Pharmaceuticals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Budgetary Plan ABC Pharmaceuticals - Essay Example Moderate Pain-Control Medication Project, named MPMP, is the forthcoming venture of ABC Pharmaceuticals. Since its initiation in 1997, the organization has exceeded expectations in extreme agony drug showcase and following quite a while of essence in the pharmaceuticals business, the organization has gained a significant offer in the market section it serves, also the brand name and greatness in the pharmaceuticals industry’s basics. In light of its involvement with the market, the organization intends to create separated agony control items that give the adaptability and flexibility required to address the restrictions of existing remedy torment prescriptions in administered social insurance settings. Asset Planning for MPMP MPMP is an augmentation venture. The majority of the assets of the current product offering, particularly on the delicate side, for example, HR and specialized assets could bolster the new product offering also. Be that as it may, certain extra assets would likewise be required to help the undertaking; including, creation plants, HR, for example, creation work and experts in moderate agony control drug, working capital, office supplies and so forth (see subtleties in segment 2). A brief of the assets required are as per the following: HR: Production authorities in the territory of moderate torment control medicine would be required. In accordance with the past experience, three pros each at the three creation areas of the organization would get the job done. Aside from that, creation work would be required. In view of the business figures, as such three groups, each containing 10 laborers (day by day bets), regulated by a creation incharge and headed by the zone expert, would be built up. The center human asset capacity would stay at the administrative center. Specialized Resources: For the initial five years of the venture, three creation plants will be fixed at the present creation locales. Each plant will have the ability to create around 15,000 units every year (counting breakdowns, assuming any). Spending Allocation for MPMP The complete assessed cost of the task comes to $ 10,500 million determined as follows
Friday, August 21, 2020
Med School Secondary Essay Samples - Finding The Best Choice For You
Med School Secondary Essay Samples - Finding The Best Choice For YouThe very first thing to consider when choosing secondary essay samples is what you need to talk about. The essay should be able to stand on its own without needing to rely on information that came from a second source.Most secondary essay samples will come from the English department or a similar department. Students in these departments will typically write large numbers of essays over the course of their four-year program. While students are required to do this, it will not be your responsibility to be able to follow the research directions if they are not clear in your class manual.Second, there are some short essays that are short and sweet, but there are also more detailed and difficult types. The easiest way to pick up a secondary essay sample is to stick with the easy and simple type. The main reason for this is because you don't have to have any prior knowledge of research to complete this task.Third, you sho uld get in touch with your academic advisor. Your advisor will tell you whether or not they are comfortable with the specific essay topic you are considering. It is generally best to stick with the recommended topics that your instructor has suggested, as they will provide better results.Fourth, you should also consider taking some optional extra papers for each semester. These are generally only a few pages in length, but will give you a chance to brush up on writing skills and knowledge of the course material.Fifth, while most secondary essay samples will involve research, the specific details can vary from one student to the next. It is important to take the time to prepare for any types of assignments that may require it before submitting them, as doing so will eliminate some of the stress associated with finishing them.Sixth, remember that these essays should all be written from the perspective of a student who is only in the class for one semester. By doing this, you will be m ore in tune with the type of experiences you will be writing about and also will have more experience with researching certain topics and information.With these guidelines in mind, you should be able to find the best secondary essay samples for your needs. All you have to do is research, ask questions, and feel confident in your final decision.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Vietnam War - 1055 Words
The early 1960’s marks a time when the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War is increased. On August of 1964, North Vietnamese patrol boats fired upon American vessels and Lyndon Johnson declared this as an act of open aggression against the United States and Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which gave the president full power to make any decisions he thought to be necessary. President LBJ decided to increase the United States involvement in war and his reasons included: credibility of the United States, threat posed by China, and he feared that if he did not get the United States involved it would make him seem soft on communism. This war had many effects on Americans and the people that seen the effects of the war up close and personal were the soldiers. Full Metal Jacket is a movie that showcases the hardships and terrors undergone by soldiers in the Vietnam War. In this film it is evident that a war will change a person not only on a physical aspects but also on a psychological one. The first part of Full Metal Jacket tells the story of young recruits as they undergo the harsh reality of boot camp, Paris Island, as they prepare to become soldiers and fight in Vietnam. More specifically it is the narration of the struggles of Private Pyles as seen by Private Joker. This two young men are the two prime examples of how boot camp and war will change a person and how the stress will push them to do things they would otherwise not have done. Both ofShow MoreRelatedThe War Of Vietnam And The Vietnam War1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe war in Vietnam is The United States and other capitalist bloc countries supported South Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) against the support by the Soviet Union and other socialist bloc countries of North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and the Vietcong of war. Which occurred during the Cold War of Vietnam (main battlefield), Laos, and Cambodia. This is the biggest and longtime war in American history during the 1960s (Best 2008). It is also the most significant war after World War IIRead MoreThe Vietnam War On Vietnam1725 Words  | 7 PagesThe War on Vietnam Many believe that the way Americans entered the war against the North Vietnam communists was unjust. The United States got into a war that they had no clue on how to win. â€Å"The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973Read MoreThe Vietnam War : Vietnam1170 Words  | 5 PagesBeyond Vietnam. The Vietnam War is one of the most traumatic episodes in the history of the United States. Not only because it ended with a defeat for the United States Army, but because unleashed the largest wave of protests in the country, in which the government lost support. Extended over more than a decade, between 1959 to April 30 of 1975, although the US intervened in 1965, in which American soldiers experienced in firsthand scenes of destruction and death. During the Vietnam War clashedRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam920 Words  | 4 Pages1940’s Vietnam was trying to break free of French reign over their country. During this time period Vietnam was split into two parts, north and south. The Japanese had decided to take over Vietnam in 1942. They couldn’t capture all of Vietnam, so they decided to retreat. North Vietnam proclaimed independence on September 2, 1945 as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The State of Vietnam declared independence on June 14, 1949, but rema ined under French rule until August 1, 1954. South Vietnam was theRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1711 Words  | 7 Pages â€Æ' The Vietnam War was one of the bloodiest wars in the history of Vietnam. Vietnam use to be a peaceful country until the idea of communism started spreading across Vietnam. Many wanted to stay democratic but saw what happened to the Germans and started to lean towards communism. Many also wanted to stay democratic and still had it hopes high that it will soon get their lives and economy back on track. It later exploded into a huge argument and then leads to a civil war spurring between NorthRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam952 Words  | 4 Pageswords that describe the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War had 240 days of combat in one year. World War II had forty days of combat in four years(Interesting Facts). That statistic shows how rough the Vietnam War was. The fighting was constant between the two sides. This war was fought over politics and had many gruesome battles. Before the Vietnam war, Vietnam was in a revolution because they did not want to be ruled by France. Vietnam wanted to be independent right after World War II ended in 1945. JapanRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1534 Words  | 7 Pages The Vietnam War began November 1st, 1955 and ended April 30th, 1975. It was a long costly war that involved North Vietnam and their Southern allies, known as Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its main ally the United States. This war was very unpopular at home and would end with the withdrawal of the United States and the unification of Vietnam under communist control. Many think of war as something that just men are involved in but very rarely do people think of the role of women in the warRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1573 Words  | 7 PagesA. The Vietnam War occurred from 1955-1975, this included the North and South fighting over government structure of the newly independent state of Vietnam, having recently become independent f rom France. However, the USA was in Vietnam as a sort of protection for the South Vietnamese people, who had a weaker army force, but only a few thousand Americans were in Vietnam for that purpose at the time. On August 7, 1964, the USA entered the war for the purpose of fighting the North Vietnamese due toRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam2003 Words  | 9 PagesThe Vietnam War in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia lasted from November 1st, 1955 to around April 30th, 1975. The war was split up between two sides, North Vietnam, who were allied with the Soviet Union, China, and most of the communist countries during this time period, and South Vietnam, who were allied with the United States and many countries that were against the belief of Communism. Although the United States did not necessarily have to get involved in the war, they believed that they had too soRead MoreVietnam And The Vietnam War1987 Words  | 8 PagesIn 1945, at the end of WWII, Vietnam started their war for ind ependence against their colonial rulers, France. Nine years after the start of the First Indochina War, the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu which led to a peace conference in Geneva. At the conference, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam received their independence from France. However, Vietnam was divided between a Communist North and a Democratic South. In 1958, Communist- supported guerrillas in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong, began
Friday, May 15, 2020
What Is The State Of The Conceptual And Content-Based...
What is the state of the conceptual and content-based literature related to your research question: Does where an adolescent live affect the sexuality education they receive in school? How does this literature help you approach this question? What deficiencies exist in the literature that remain to be addressed, ideally by your research? When considering the geography of sexuality education, the reason the school district chose the curriculum it does was complex. There were seven reasons that I considered. These reasons were funding, religion, community input, student need and desire, rural/urban differences, income, and socio-economic status. I broke my research into three separate categories of research as well. The role of place, the†¦show more content†¦Socio-economic status, income variations, race, and ethnicity play a role in access. Lack of resources, lack of funding, and the inability to reach resources were all part of the complicated issue of inequalities as well. The concept of place played a very explicit role in separating people politically and administratively (Arcaya, Arcaya, Subramanian, 2015). Considering these concepts of place, the role of place provided a social construct for schools, school districts, and the social relationships between schools and students. These place relationships were complex in that students connected with their schools daily and had a social relationship with their school that was interactive. The human-landscape relationship between them was one of development and evolution. As the students grew so did the school because it had to adapt to the needs of the students. The school district was also looking to improve the well-being of the students through curriculum. The school’s history and community was also an essential part of the dynamic of the school. The marginalization of students was always a possibility by leaving students out that feel like they do not belong. Inclusion was an important part of school policy, social relationships, and the community feeling. When considering curriculum on sexuality education, a common concept with each paper was the type of sexuality education. Though each paper within the literature referred toShow MoreRelatedCritiquing A Qualitative Research Article1612 Words  | 7 Pages Critiquing a Qualitative Research Article Erinma Obioha South University Critiquing a qualitative research article Nurses are required to base their practice on evidence-based research. Therefore, it is essential for nurses to develop the skills necessary to analyze a research article. Critiquing a research article helps nurse judge the creditability of the information presented. This essay reviews a qualitative study titled â€Å"Factors Associated With Aggressive Behavior AmongRead MoreLiterary Language And Everyday Language1530 Words  | 7 PagesLiterary Language and Everyday Language What is a Language? 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It relates the study to the larger ongoing dialogue in the literature, filling in the gaps and extendingRead MoreA Study By Heather C. Hill, Brian Rowan And Deborah Lowenberg Ball849 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature Review A study by Heather C. Hill, Brian Rowan and Deborah Lowenberg Ball conducted in 2005 at the University of Michigan found that a teacher s mathematical knowledge was significantly related to student achievement. This study included students and teachers in first and third grades from 115 elementary schools during the 2000-2001 and 2003-2004 school years. 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A procedure was employed and seven characters were selected. The categories that were used in the study were based on the character’s ethnicity and gender, but the variables were developed based on previous research. The results have revealed that there’s a slight change, however, Latinas continue to be underrepresentedRead MoreTeaching Mathematics and Filippino Student Performance1485 Words  | 6 Pagesstudents in mathematics. To answer this concern, the Department of Education promulgated different means of improving the curriculum. The latest of these changes is the DepEd Order No. 73 S. 2012. This order emphasizes on implementing the standards-based assessment and rating system to support the progressive roll-out starting with grades 1 and 7 of the k to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in both public and private schools nationwide. This started a wide range of changes in the curriculum, focusing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Internet A Free and Anonymous Place - 1082 Words
With the advent of the World Wide Web, we have access to more information than we ever have before. Whether our desire is for recipes, yesterday’s sporting event, or even governmental documents, we need only to perform a quick search and we will be presented with everything we needed. But, with all of this new access to information, governments like China have cracked down on their country’s Internet access. We as US citizens have our access largely uncensored. As I continued to research this topic, though, I found that the Internet is more censored and far less anonymous than we think. When people hear the word â€Å"censorship,†it generally incites feelings of dread and Orwellian control. Though this is sometimes true, it is not†¦show more content†¦It is estimated that the â€Å"searchable†web makes up only a small portion of the entire Internet, so what everyday users see is only the tip of the iceberg. Since search engines cannot find this content, and they provide navigation to most sites average users will visit, most people will never see it. In this way, that entire portion of the Internet is censored and invisible to users. Belonging to and frequenting many of the sites on the so-called Invisible Web myself, I know how difficult it is to find content that I need using search engines like Google and Bing. Instead, the quest is entirely self-motivated and directed whenever I want to visit. Unfortunately for many, there is a great deal of wonderful content in it. Alongside the good, though, is a large collection of bad material , as the alias â€Å"DarkNet†suggests. Along with being censored, the Internet is heavily tracked. The likes of Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and others track users on their own websites and others so that they can serve more accurate content, and, in the case of Google, more targeted ads. Have you ever been browsing Facebook and noticed that the advertisements on the side of your window relate very closely to your interests? That is the result of tracking browsing habits and serving extremely targeted advertisements. When you browse the web and click on a web page aboutShow MoreRelated Sensible Anonymity on the Internet Essay1558 Words  | 7 PagesSensible Anonymity on the Internet Abstract: This paper is an analysis of the anonymity of Internet users. Specifically, what are the benefits and disadvantages created by anonymity on the Internet, and how can the disadvantages be lessened without adversely affecting the benefits? The rapid growth of the Internet’s popularity is staggering. In 1990 few people outside the research community knew of it, and today it is estimated that there are more than 300 million Internet users worldwide (1)Read MoreThis Internet Hate Machine Kills Fascists: Anonymous in Context921 Words  | 4 Pagespaper â€Å"Anonymous in Context: The Power and Politics Behind the Mask†, she identifies the group Anonymous to work within these paradigms while acting entirely outside customary limits on candour. Through their absolute commitment to freedom in the face of tyrannyâ€â€and lulz in response to dictators and oligarchsâ€â€Anonymous is a definite force of good against evil, and their intentions a net positive to the world. Dr. Coleman explains that in comparison to other major civil rights movements, Anonymous isRead MoreThe Liberties, Ideologies, And Effects Of Hacktivism1699 Words  | 7 Pageswhether or not it will eventually become a lawful form of protest, or will cyberprotest be officially acknowledged as cybercrime, and treated as such? Introduction Today s society is obviously one obsessed with technology. Internet users are as diverse as the Internet itself. Still, there is a strong stereotype surrounding the word â€Å"hacker†. Most people think that hackers are crouched in a dark corner, typing on a computer. In reality, hackers are a variety of people, with a range of reasonsRead MoreEffects Of The Hidden Internet On The Digital Age1681 Words  | 7 PagesThe Dark Web: The Effects of the Hidden Internet on the Digital Age In the late 1990’s, the internet became a staple of society, a new â€Å"fad†that became integrated into modern culture. As more and more information was uploaded to this repository, data hubs formed, often around illegal materials such as copies of music and movie files. In 2001, a man named Ian Clarke revolutionized the internet by introducing â€Å"Freenet,†a service that allowed for anonymous access to the darkest reaches of the webRead MoreSober Living An Early Recovery Living Arrangement For Addicts1030 Words  | 5 PagesSOBER LIVING HOUSING (SOBER LIVING) Sober Living is an early recovery living arrangement for addicts while they rebuild their lives free from substances. Recovering addicts come to Sober Living through many paths, such as a referral from an emergency room, detoxification center, or the court. Each person has a place to sleep, usually sharing a room with others. Residents share house duties and pay a monthly fee. Sober Living provides structure because regulations are strictly enforced. SubstanceRead MoreStarbucks Case Analysis1391 Words  | 6 PagesATamp;T Inc. to include free and paid wireless internet coffee shops in the united states (Associated press, 2008) * Partnership with Bell Canada to include free wireless internet in over 650 locations in Canada (Laird, 2008) * Leads specialist coffee shop sales in most countries (Starbucks Corp. (food), 2012) Weaknesses * Share price fell by 43% due to commercializing the business (Passikoff, 2008) * Price senstaive customers choosing other places to get their coffee (StarbucksRead MoreQuestions On The Criminal Justice System880 Words  | 4 Pagespaper I am going to consider the particular challenges that the internet, and its associated ‘thundering tyde’ of information, misinformation, and comment available to anyone with access to a computer, has posed to the administration of justice. 2. The criminal justice system has traditionally sought to protect jurors from exposure to prejudicial material, and the law of contempt has played a key part in this endeavour. The law places restrictions on the publication of potentially prejudicial materialRead MoreInternet Regulation Should Not Be Regulated Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesagainst the text by Lawrence Lessig by providing evidence and reasoning that proves that complete internet regulation would never be implemented on a global scale due to the privacy concerns that the United States would face while minimal internet regulation, like what Lessig suggests, would be unable to coexist with countries like China and Saudi Arabia who morally conflict with a global majority. Internet regulation will never be consistent in a global scheme and would require constant revision whichRead MoreExamples Of Hiding In Plain Sight1398 Words  | 6 Pagestwenty-four-hour day, internet users will have communicated online at least o nce whether it is writing to a classmate on a message board, posting pictures on Instagram, or responding to colleges via email. It is possible that a different username and identity are used for each of these online communications, each username constituting, in effect, a separate â€Å"personality.†These online personalities may be a part of one’s authentic self or a separate identity altogether. In The Times article, Internet trollsRead MoreSociety ´s Interaction with Technology in Burning Chrome by William Gibson1158 Words  | 5 Pagesto learn new terminology and new ways to adapt with everyone else in society. Over these past years our younger generations have become more familiarized with modern technology that they have managed to surpass the ones who invented it in the first place. One of the outcomes of this has been that people in our society have become so interlocked with their devices that without them they are not able to communicate with others as well as they used to. For example, in the year 2011 mobile phone owners
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Miss Brill free essay sample
Miss Brill is a short story written by Katherine Mansfield and it was published in a collection of stories called The Garden Party in 1922. The story is about a woman who goes to her usual Sunday afternoon walk on Jardins Publiques and what happened there with her that day. In order to provide a study guide about this short story, this paper will analyze the the structure of Plot and the Characters created by the author on Miss Brill. Considering Plot, Miss Brill is a story about a lonely woman who lived in an apartment in France and taught English to students. Miss Brill’s enjoyment was to wear her â€Å"dear little†fur on Sunday afternoon and go to a walk on Jardins Publiques, where she could be away from the loneliness of her â€Å"little dark room†and get in touch with people. Besides that, her favorite pastime was to eavesdrop people’s conversations, something on she was â€Å"really quite expert†because it made her part of their lives for a moment. However, this eavesdrop became a problem when at that day a young couple sat near Miss Brill and started a conversation about her. When the boy referred to her as â€Å"that stupid old thing†and questioned her importance at that place, she realized her meaningless existence and went back home, where she put her fur on its box and heard â€Å"something crying†. The first element of plot is the exposition. In this short story, the exposition brings the care for Miss Brill on preparing her fur for another walk on a Sunday afternoon in the Jardins Publiques â€Å"She had taken it out of its box that afternoon, shaken out the moth-powder, given it a good brush, and rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes†. Furthermore, there is the exposition of Miss Brill pleasure on that afternoon, by being on her â€Å"special seat†, listening to the band playing â€Å"louder and gayer†â€Å"because the Season had begun†and seeing all the people’s movement around her. The second element of plot should be the rising action. However, in Miss Brill story we can find one of the characteristics of Katherine Mansfield stories: there is no rising action and the writer guide us from the exposition directly to the complication. Complication begins when the reader is presented to one more pleasure in Miss Brill life: the eavesdropping of people’s conversation, something on that she was a â€Å"quite expert†and included her â€Å"in other people’s lives just for a minute†. At this point, the narrator tells some scenes throughout Miss Brill’s eyes: the first scene pictures â€Å"an Englishman and his wife†by last Sunday, having a conversation in which the man had â€Å"suggested everything – gold rims, the kind that curved round your ears, little pads inside the bridge. No, nothing would please her. And, by seeing this â€Å"Miss Brill had wanted to shake her. †Then the narrator pictures â€Å"the old couple sat on the bench†that did not talk and made Miss Brill attention looks forward other conversations because it â€Å"never mind, there was always the crowd to watch. †After that, the narrator provides a lot of images of various peop le walking, playing, talking and having a good time during the afternoon and all of that made Miss Brill to feel connected with all that happenings around her. Gradually, Miss Brill became more and more connected with the scene: â€Å"Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it! How she loved sitting here, watching it all. It was like a play. It was exactly like a play. †By creating the delusion that everyone was acting on a stage and were not just the audience, Miss Brill believed that â€Å"somebody would have noticed if she hadn’t been there; she was part of the performance after all†; she felt so important in people’s lives like they are on hers, after all, she realized that she â€Å"has been an actress for a long time†on that theater, and this way she can not be the lonely person who goes to the garden every Sunday afternoon. As a consequence of all that Miss Brill’s delusion in addition to her favorite pastime of eavesdropping, the author provides the reader the climax of this short story when a young couple came and sat near the protagonist. First, Miss Brill had imagined them as â€Å"the hero and heroine†of that play who had â€Å"just arrived from his father’s yacht†and then Miss Brill prepared herself to listen to their conversation. The boy wanted to date the girl, but she is embarrassed because of Miss Brill’s presence. Consequently, instead of hearing something that would contribute to her imaginary play, Miss Brill is forced to see her real condition when the young boy referred to her as a â€Å"stupid old thing and questioned: â€Å"Why does she come here at all – who wants her? Why doesn’t she keep her silly old mug at home? †. Besides that, the girl made fun with Miss Brill’s fur by comparing it to a â€Å"fried whiting†, and insisted on deny the boy’s desires as long as Miss Brill stayed there. Finally, in the conclusion, the narrator shows Miss Brill in her way home, when she did not feel worthy enough to buy herself â€Å"a slice of honeycake†she was used to by at the barker’s on â€Å"her Sunday treat†. She went to her â€Å"little dark room – her room like a cupboard†and sat down on the red eiderdown for a long time, certainly thinking about what had happened that afternoon. Then she took off her fur â€Å"quickly†without looking at it, and while she put â€Å"the lid on she thought she heard something crying†. Considering Characters, this short story brings Miss Brill as the main character and many passers-by as the minor characters. According to Miss Brill’s thoughts, the reader knows that she is an English woman who is not married and lives alone on an apartment in France. She teaches English to her â€Å"pupils†and reads â€Å"the newspaper four afternoons a week†to an â€Å"old invalid gentleman†while he sleep in the garden. Miss Brill’s enjoyment is her walks in Sunday’s afternoons to the Jardins Publiques, where she can be in touch with different people and eavesdrop their conversations, decreasing, this way, her loneliness. Miss Brill reflects her own characteristics throughout what she thinks about the other characters. She classified that the people in the park as â€Å"odd, and from the way they stared they looked as though they’d just come from dark little rooms or even – even cupboards! †, unaware she was really talking about herself. The fur, in truth, is also a character who symbolizes Miss Brill with â€Å"the life back into the dim little eyes†symbolizing her joy on going out, and the question personified in the voice of the fur â€Å"what has been happening to me? in addition to her observation on its nose which â€Å"wasn’t at all firm†, meaning the years passed by for both. Also, in the end of the short story, when she personified the fur one more time by saying that she could hear something crying after she returned the fur to its box, indeed Miss Brill is talking about herself crying back to â€Å"the little dark room her room like a cupboardâ € alone again. Katherine Mansfield does not give many characteristics about the minor characters and the reader just knows what Miss Brill thinks about them. The old couple sat on the bench â€Å"as statues†who do not speak; a patient English man â€Å"wearing a dreadful Panama hat†who was trying to please his reluctant wife; the brute man who â€Å"slowly breathed a great deep puff†of cigarette smoke into the face of the woman â€Å"wearing the ermine toque she’d bought when her hair was yellow†. And, finally, the young couple who â€Å"were beautifully dressed; they were in love†and who Miss Brill classified as the â€Å"hero and heroine†of her imaginary play, but, in fact, the couple became the end of Miss Brill’s illusion and brought her back to reality. In conclusion, according to Friedman’s story plots, Miss Brill short story has a plot of thought focused â€Å"in what the protagonist of the story thinks and feels†, and being more specifically, it has a â€Å"Revelation Plot†where â€Å"the ignorance is abolished as truth is revealed†. Besides that, Miss Brill’s characterization is presented by the revelation of her thoughts which, according to Dickinson in A Guide to Literary Study, the author â€Å"can reveal more than life does: he can tell us what his people are thinking†, through indirect or direct statements.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruitmen an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment As Compton, Morrissey and Nankervis suggest, while the organization may have a thorough understanding of the job requirements, HR department will need to evaluate the most effective recruitment methods, internally and externally, otherwise HR practitioners may fail in acquiring the most suitable pool of applicants (2002, pp.52-57). The main decision facing HR and line management may be whether the most suitable applicants can be sourced using internal or external recruitment methods and which will provide the best pool of applicants (Irwin, 2003, p.21). Internal recruitment refers to the assessment and evaluation of employees from within the organization as they move from job to job via transfer and promotion systems. Need essay sample on "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Internal recruitment is the promoting, or advancing of employees within the organization, which focuses on hiring individuals within the organization. Job posting is an important way to inform the internal employees of any job openings. Substantive methods are used to select internal finalist from internal candidates. Some advantages of internal recruiting are: recruiting costs - since the recruiting machinery is focused on an already existing pool of employees to fill a vacant position, and therefore selection and socializing processes are less time and dollar consuming, internal tends to be less expensive (Compton, Morrissey & Nankervis, 2002, p.67). Motivation is also another advantage because the prospect of potential promotion or transfers provides a clear sign to the current work force that the organization offers room for advancement (Irwin, 2003, p.29). And also familiarity of the employee has a two-side effect. On one hand the employee is familiar with the organizations poli cies, procedures, and customs. At the same time, the organization has established an employment history showing the workers formal and informal skills and abilities. Some disadvantages are inbreeding which results in the reduced likelihood of innovation and new perspectives. And also internal recruiting demands a higher degree of employee training (Stone, 2002, p.182). Our Customers Very Often Tell EssayLab writers: How much do I have to pay someone to write my paper online? Specialists recommend: We are the best company! Internal recruitment uses the same logic of prediction approach as for external selection. Some advantages of internal logic of perdition is that data collected on internal applicants in their previous jobs often provide greater depth, relevance, and verifiability than data collected on external applicants. Reliable data on external applicants may be difficult to obtain because of privacy/legal issues and may not always present the whole picture or an accurate picture of their past experiences. Internal recruitment process may generate a large number of applicants for vacant positions, especially when an open rather than a closed recruitment system is used. However, for small companies internal recruitment represents a challenging task, because of limited pool of candidates. Simultaneously, disadvantages of internal recruitment usually come from positive aspects external recruitment brings to HR management. One growing method of external recruitment has been the use of the Internet. Due to the advances in technology and changing demographic of the workforce, more people are accessing the Internet as a form of job search (Stone, 2002, pp.187-188). There are numerous benefits towards the organization including speed of recruiting results and reduced costs due to the inexpensive use of the Web instead of print media (HR Focus, Mar. 2000, p13). Further, research showed that 80 percent of businesses surveyed believed candidates who came via the Web are of a higher calibre than o thers (HR Focus, Mar. 2000, p.14). The question of whether HR department or company should use external methods against internal is highly debated especially in the context of turbulent workforce. Literature and practical experience suggest that there recruitment strategy could not be effective unless it contains multi-sided approach towards recruitment methods. Internal recruitment offers many benefits for modern HR department, including low recruitment cost, additional motivation and high morale for companys employees and more secure and reliable data about applicant. Simultaneously, internal recruitment is a slow process, comparing with external recruitment, and is hardly applicable for small businesses to manage their human resources. Bibliography HR Focus, (2000) 'Online Recruiting: What works, what doesn't', March, Issue 00-3, pp1-14. Compton, R.L., Morrissey, W.J. & Nankervis, A.R. (2002) Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices, 3rd Ed, Cambridge University Press Irwin, R. (2003) Study Guide: Staff Selection and Appraisal, Southern Cross University, Lismore. Stone, R.J. (2002) Human Resource Management, 4th Ed. Rutledge,
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Class Conflict in Kenya Essays
Class Conflict in Kenya Essays Class Conflict in Kenya Essay Class Conflict in Kenya Essay Conflict can be described as a natural disagreement between two interdependent parties as a result of differences in attitudes, values, beliefs and needs. When the parties perceive incompatible goals with each other or detect interference from the other in achieving their goals conflict will arise. Scarce resources in any society are also a trigger for conflict between individuals and groups. There are multiple definitions of conflict available but commonalities exist among all of them. In order for there to be conflict all parties involved must notice the struggle. Other commonalities include scarcity of resources, opposition and interference in achieving goals. Different schools of thought view conflict differently and there has been conflict regarding the role of conflict in society. The Traditional view, which reigned in the sasss and sasss held the idea that conflict was a negative feature Of society and was evidence Of dysfunction brought about by inadequate communication, and a lack of trust and openness between different groups in society. Therefore, in accordance to this view, conflict should be avoided at all costs. This view did not prevail for very long due to its rigidity. The Human Relations view replaced the Traditional view and prevailed from the late 1 asss through to the 1 asss. This new view believed that conflict was inevitable and thus should be acceptable. Conflict was seen as a natural occurrence during interaction between groups and organizations. Eventually this view was stamped out giving way to the current perspective, The Interactions View. This view differs from its predecessors in that it actively encourages conflict believing that any congruent, diplomatic, serene and cooperative group can become stationary and uninterested to needs for theorization and change. Therefore, this view encourages conflict, though of a minimal level, as it helps keep the group active, self-critical and imaginative. Conflict as described by the Human Relations view is inevitable and a part of every society. This aspect is especially true in third-world societies where conflict is rampant due to excessive competition for the scarce resources available such as money, employment opportunities, land, power and prestige. Third-world countries are characterized by high levels of unemployment and illiteracy leading to a wide gap between different social lasses in the society. This leads to class conflict as different groups try to either maintain or improve their social standing at whatever cost. This conflict is evident here in Kenya, especially in the capital city of Nairobi where every social class is represented. Class conflict, also known as class struggle or class warfare is the friction or rivalry between different classes in society as result of opposing socioeconomic desires and interests. Class conflict may take a variety of forms including direct and indirect violence, legal and illegal lobbying and even bribing of government officials. Classes in society are a result of social stratification: a method by which society positions groups of people within a hierarchy. Social stratification is an attribute of society and does not reflect on individual differences such as gender, race and religion. Because of this social stratification perseveres through generations, making social mobility difficult. Though social stratification is a universal feature, it varies between different societies, with certain societies showing more inequality than other ones. The class system is based on birth status as well as personal achievement. Social transformation in Kenya is a source of great conflict. The countrys class system is inundated by grave inequalities in every sector from health to security, politics to economics. This predisposes the society to conflict, both passive and active, as people fight the violation of their bottom line rules and norms. Class conflict in Kenya is expressed in a variety of ways. Strikes by civil servants due to unpaid salaries and poor working conditions have become prevalent in Kenya, with the government maintaining a shortage of funds, yet Members of Parliament continue to grant themselves hefty pay rises and allowances. Government schools and hospitals are characteristically dilapidated and congested and this is all the majority of the population has access to. Private institutions, which are highly modernized and pristine are costly and out of reach for the greater part of the population. This makes basic human needs such as proper healthcare a preserve of only the well off. The growing injustices meted out on the lower class by powerful groups and individuals in society is a major contributor to class conflict and violence. The prices of basic commodities are often inflated in order to fund personal endeavors of the rich and powerful at the cost of the ordinary citizen. Politicians continue to use false promises to gain votes during campaigns only to disregard all their duties and previous promises choosing instead to enrich themselves at the cost of the ordinary citizen. The gap between the rich and poor continues to widen as the poor get poorer and the rich get more powerful. The number of people who lack basic needs such as shelter, food and water continues to grow, while others have these basic needs in abundance but constantly complain of lack of necessities such as extra bodyguards. Corruption and inequalities have eroded the police and court systems with justice being handed to the highest bidder. It is common for petty thieves to receive heavy sentences for their crimes while those who commit large injustices walk away with nothing more than an insignificant punishment. Government offices are marred by corruption where bribing is the order of the day. The police system is no better and traffic police officers constantly barrage motorists for bribes. For those who are well off this might not seem to be such a bad way of life, as money can get you anything you want. However, for the ordinary citizens who can barely afford to feed and support their families as it is, this dishonesty can be quite exasperating and disheartening leading to class conflict. Class conflict in Kenya takes various forms with the most obvious being direct violence in the form of strikes and protests against the government and other powerful conglomerates, which are a common occurrence in the country. Deaths due to poverty, hunger, sickness and hazardous working conditions are other forms of class conflict. Politicians carry on their predecessors deception by promising to provide the people with jobs, housing, infrastructure and security, only to overlook the people once they are in power. All these inequalities and false promises have led to frustration and anger among the working class, leading them to express their anger through violence and criminal activities. This old-age form of conflict exists and has existed in almost every society and therefore is the basis of several theories, which I will use to analyze class conflict in Kenya. The evident inequalities in the distribution of resources in the country result in a large number of people being left with unsatisfied needs. According to Burtons Human Needs theory, conflict arises when human needs are unsatisfied, especially basic human needs. Burton believes that we seek out our needs simultaneously as opposed to Mascots hierarchal arrangement of needs. A few of the needs recognized by the theorist include safety/security, participation in the civil society, personal fulfillment, freedom and distributive justice. Peoples obstinate urge to meet their unmet needs, whether on the societal, group or individual level is one of the key reasons for prolonged and problematic conflicts in society. Another theory that explains the class conflict in Kenya is the Structural Violence Theory. According to Gallant, the proponent, inequalities in society eventually bring about conflict and violence and until these inequalities are addressed, the violence will persist. According to the Society for International Development on economic inequality (2004) Kenya is among 10 top unequal societies worldwide and holds the number one position for inequality in East Africa. The society alleges that for every shilling an underprivileged Kenya makes, a wealthy Kenya makes 56 shillings. , According to Aqualungs Structural Violence theory, !!!! According to the Conflict Theory the pursuit of individual interests is the cause of conflict in society and thus should be considered an ordinary feature of social life. In the pursuit of interests, resources are scarce and this leads to competition. The assumptions of this theory are that society is made up of various groups Of people who fight for resources, and these groups Of people are engaged in a constant power struggle. Social groups will use resources to their own advantage in the pursuit of their goals. This often means that those ho lack control over resources will be taken advantage of. As a result, many dominated groups will struggle with other groups in attempt to gain control. The majority of the time, the groups with the most resources will gain or maintain power (due to the fact that they have the resources to support their power). The idea that those who have control will maintain control is known as The Matthew Effect!!! !!! Marx argued that a class is formed when its members achieve class consciousness and solidarity. This largely happens when the members of a class become aware of their exploitation and the inflict with another class. A class will then realize their shared interests and a common identity. According to Marx, a class will then take action against those that are exploiting the lower classes. What Marx points out is that members of each of the two main classes have interests in common. These class or collective interests are in conflict with those of the other class as a whole. This in turn leads to conflict between individual members of different classes!!! Class conflict can take many different forms: direct violence, such as wars fought for resources and cheap labor; indirect violence, such as deaths from poverty, starvation, illness or unsafe working conditions; coercion, such as the threat of losing a job or pulling an important investment; or ideology, either intentionally (as with books and articles promoting capitalism) or unintentionally (as with the promotion of consumerism through needed] Additionally, political forms of class conflict exist; legally or illegally lobbying or bribing government leaders for passage of partisan desirable legislation including labor laws, tax codes, consumer laws, acts Of congress or other sanction, injunction or tariff.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
IT Productivity Through Software Usage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
IT Productivity Through Software Usage - Essay Example The basic functionalities of all three applications are explained as well as its use and importance in providing enhanced efficiency and productivity, which not only saves time, energy and resources but also provides for an easier and more enjoyable interface, which makes work stress free and therefore productive. Introduction As technology spreads its roots farther and farther deeper into our very existence, perhaps its greatest influence is being felt in the changing trend being seen by offices, enterprises, organizations and even student bodies, where software applications are being used more and more instead of conventional systems of writing, editing, storing, retrieving and organizing. The use of Information Technology and software in replacing conventional methods of data representation, editing and storing is fast taking over all other alternatives as its advantages are so great and obvious that to do otherwise would make no sense. This is not only because it far enhances pro ductivity due to the amount of time it saves, but also because as it makes work easier, it generally reduces stress, which further enhances productivity (Allen, 2002) Tools used for these purposes are vast and many, but the primary ones that find functionality in almost any organization at all, at the smallest level or the largest, are Word, PowerPoint and Excel, with the first being used to create documents, the second being used to represent data and the third being used to organize efficiently this datum. Libraries, offices, supermarkets, multinational corporations, student offices, entrepreneurs alike all find use for the simple, easy, efficient and highly useful functionalities provided by these three most basic software applications as well as countless others, especially because it makes operations highly more efficient, saving time, which in turn naturally enhances productivity. Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is a word processing application and Microsoft’s primary sof tware for writing and editing text based documents. Owing to its use as the base of all text based documents, it is one of the most primary tools of use in an office based setting but it has great use and application in almost any enterprise, small or big, as well as personal home-based used, which can be academic or otherwise. Microsoft Word creates documents such as reports, briefs, letters, questionnaires, summaries and countless others with great ease particularly due to its inbuilt features such as spell check, word count and easy formatting options. Yet although Word’s use as a text editor is obvious and indeed its most common functionality, Microsoft Word also has a great many other features, which provides great functionality, increased organization and enhanced effectiveness, if used correctly. Using Microsoft Word for editing documents provides advantages over writing without due mostly to aforementioned features which automatically perform word count and spell chec k, but also because documents are very easily formatted and edited, without any obvious evidence of prior revisions. This is especially useful when the user may constantly need to update information in a certain document. Word can also be used to create tables and graphs. These are most useful when the table needs little changing or editing other than to add more rows of information, though newer versions are capable of performing automatic operations on all the members of a certain row or column. These tables and graphs are
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Global in and global out in regard of food industry in Japan Research Paper
Global in and global out in regard of food industry in Japan - Research Paper Example Japanese Food The Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market generally known as Tsukiji Market is considered to be one of the biggest wholesale fish markets around the globe. The market is situated in Tsukiji city of Tokyo and is determined to be a major attraction for many foreign visitors because of its large variety of fish and seafood7,8. The contribution of Tsukiji Market for spreading Japanese food culture globally is considered to be noteworthy. Not only the market provides a wide variety of fish to the nation but it is also a global provider of various fishes to some of the most renowned restaurant chain businesses and hotels around the globe. A few of the most well-known Japanese cuisines that have gained considerable amount of likings globally include Sushi, a food item that consists of cooked vinegared rice with a combination of other ingredients such as raw food or other sea foods and meat occasionally, Tempura, dish prepared of sea foods or vegetables that is battered a nd deep fried along with ramen; a type of white noodles served with meat and fish and often flavored with soy sauce or miso9. According to many critics, it has been stated that the main reason behind the rapid globalization and adaption of Japanese culture and practices worldwide is the result of its manga and animations series that are being telecast in various regions of the world. However, it has been viewed that it is not only the Japanese culture that is establishing its trends in other nations however the culture of different nations including their food habits are being invaded in Japan as well. For instance, in a research conducted by Kamei, M., Ki, M., Kawagoshi, M., and Kawai, N. (2001) it was viewed that 24 out of 100 lunch boxes in Japan contained food items such as hamburgers,... The aspect of globalization is considered to be a vital constitute in today’s society. It has been viewed that the advent of globalization has not only changed the way one does business but has also brought drastic alterations in the cultural and religious facets associated with an individual. One such crucial facet is the change in the food habits of people. Japan which is regarded as one of the most renowned countries in the world, specially for their food habit that help the people to live long, has been facing rapid challenges due to globalization of the food industry. This has not only resulted in changing the food habits of an individual but has motivated other nations to invent new food items following their steps that are affecting the health aspects of the civilians in the nation. With reference to the above discussion, it can be viewed that the way in which modern food industry has motivated people to adopt food items as their daily supplementary provider that are le ss healthy. However, if proper steps are taken by the government to promote the difference in the ingredients amid western and Japanese products along with highlighting the disadvantages of consuming some unhealthy food items then the issue can be mitigated to a great extent. Thus, it can be concluded that practices such as campaigns and government programs to create awareness would not only stop people to adapt such food habits but would also facilitate people to return to their traditional eating habits and culinary methods by reducing the risk of nutrition related diseases to a great extent.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Track And Field training Essay Example for Free
Track And Field training Essay Introduction            Track and field sport is a contest in running, hurdling, walking, jumping, vaulting, and throwing. The track events (running, hurdling, and walking contests) are held on an oval track. The field events (jumping, vaulting, and throwing contests) are held at various areas nearby. The season begins indoors in winter and extends throughout the summer. A related sport, conducted in the autumn, is cross-country running. A track and field normally includes 10 to 30 of the more than 50 events. Most meets are held outdoors in spring and summer. Some are held in indoor arenas during the winter months. A meet may be for males only, or for females only, or for both sexes (see â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18). Men and women do not compete against each other. Most events are contests between individual athletes who represent different teams. Each person earns points for his team if he finishes an event in first, second, or third (and sometimes fourth, fifth, or sixth) place. The team with the highest score wins the meet. In the Olympic Games, however, only individual winners are recognized except in team sports. Moreover, the Track and field, or athletics as it is called in many countries. Track events are conducted over distances measured in metres or, in some American meets, in yards. Older American tracks are 440 yards in circumference, but most built since the late 1970s are 400 metres in circumference. The older tracks can easily be converted to metric distances). An indoor track is usually between 160 and 220 yards (or 150 and 200 meters) in circumstance. A lap is one time around the track (see â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18).            Running contests include dashes, or sprints (55 to 400 metres; 60 to 440 yards); middle-distance races; and long distance races (3,000 metres or 2 miles or more). Hurdling is a race over hurdles (barriers) that are spaced an equal distance apart on the track. Hurdles vary in height according to the age and sex of the competitors. The steeplechase is a 3,000-metre or 2-mile race over hurdles, hedges, and pools of water. In relay races, four-runner teams compete, each athlete running part of the distance. Walking events are races in which the contestants walk for a distance of 800 metres to 50,000 metres (31 miles) (see â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18).            The intents of this paper are to: (1) know the history of track and field and its rules and scoring; (2) be aware of the current information on track and field training and; (3) figure out the conditioning program/s of track and field training. Background History of track and field            Track and field is one of the oldest of sports. Athletic contests were often held in conjunction with religious festivals, as with the Olympic games of ancient Greece. For 11 centuries, starting in 776 BC, these affairs for men onlyâ€â€were enormously popular and prestigious events. The Romans continued the Olympic tradition until the time of the Christian emperor Theodosius, who banned the Games in AD 394. During the middle Ages except for a short-lived revival in 12th-centruy England, organized track and field as a modern sport impetus through their interclass meets, or meetings as they are still called in Britain and in 1849 the Royal Military Academy held the first organized track and field meet of modern times(see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). Not until the 1860s, however, did the sport flourish. In 1866 the first English championships were held by the newly formed Amateur Athletic Club. The Amateur Athletic Club gave way to the Amateur Athletic Association in 1880, which has conducted the annual national championships since that date. Although meets were held on the North American continent as early as 1839, track and field first gained popularity in the late 1860s, after the formation of the New York Athletic Club in 1868. The Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, an association of track and field clubs, was formed in 1887 and has governed the sport in the United States since then (see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). Rules and scoring            All races are started by the firing gun by an official at the starting line. For races up to and including one lap of an outdoor track, the runners must stay for the entire distance lanes marked on the track. There may be six to eight lanes, with each lane usually measuring 1.2 m (4 ft.) in width. The winner in each race is the runner whose torso first breaks the vertical plane of the finish line. Races are timed either by mechanical watches or by more sophisticated, electronic photo-timers that can measure finishes to the hundredth of a second. Sometimes, owing to the number of contestants in a competition, qualifying rounds, or heats, are held to narrow the contestants down to the fastest runners (see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). Athletes in the field also have qualifying rounds. In the horizontal jumps and throws, athletes are allowed three preliminary attempts in the field numbers more than eight participants. Then the best performers are allowed three more attempts. In the vertical jumpsâ€â€the high jump and pole vaultâ€â€the participants are allowed to continue until they have three successive failures. If two or more contestants tie, the competitor with the fewest failures at the last height cleared it’s the winner; if still tied, the total number of failures is the deciding factor; if a tie remains, the total number of jumps is considered. Scoring systems differ according to the meet. Many national competitions are scored on the basis of 10 points for first place, 8 for second, on down to 1 point for sixth. In international meets, the scoring is 5 for first place, 3 for second, 2 for third, and 1 for fourth. The team with the highest total wins. For road races, cross-country meets, and walking competitions, the winner is given 1 point, the second-place finisher 2 points, and so on; the finish positions are totaled, and the team with the lowest score is the winner (see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). III. Discussion Current information on track and field training            There are three vital cycles in a track and field training program and these are the pre-season (happens in September throughout mid November), an indoor season (happens from December through early March, and the outdoor seasonâ€â€later part of March through early June (see â€Å"Track and Field Training†).            The pre-season normally includes of â€Å"getting into shape†for the upcoming seasons. This program will include of â€Å"weight room, cardiovascular work, sprint mechanics, and core strength for the abdominals, hips and lower back†(see â€Å"Track and Field Training†). The training program must not be severe to keep away from burnout toward the end of the season. In each season, the recovery periods are essential. During the track and field training program, lifting like â€Å"cleans, squats and dead lifts†may be included three times a week. Another exercise that can be included in the training is the arm work like â€Å"bench, military, lat pull, and pull ups†(see â€Å"Track and Field Training†). Moreover, the coach needs to identify that in pre-season conditioning, there are four main areas that require to be enhanced for any track and field athlete. Various exercises are part of the track and field training and if the exercises for a specific body part have been recognized, circuits may be made so that the specific aspect will be managed properly. The circuits need to be timed instead of indicating an exact quantity of exercise in which every athlete is given a chance to work on with his/her own ability and abdomen circuit is of the examples. This circuit is timed by 30 recommended to be â€Å"30 seconds on 30 seconds off for every exercise†(see Hackett, Brad. â€Å"Pre-Season Conditioning).  ØAbdomen Circuit 30 on 30 off  ª Crunches  ª V-Sits  ª Opposite Knee (Chinnies)  ª Double Leg Eagles  ª Toe Touches  ª Leg Toss  ª Back Hypers with a twist  ª Side Ups Conditioning program/s of track and field training.            In the general training season, circuit training is significant. If the circuit training for the pre-season conditioning is done earlier, the coach still has the chance to enhance the fitness level of the team without endangering the individual. In general preparation and conditioning, there are things to be followed and these are in place jumps, bounding, box jumps, hurdle hops, abdomen circuit, multi shot throws, general strength circuit, weight room, and track workouts (see Hackett, Brad. â€Å"Pre-Season Conditioning).  Conclusion            Track and field, or athletics as it is called in many countries, is the designation given to contests for men and women that involve running, jumping for height and distance, and throwing for distance using implements of standardized design. Competitions in Track and Field are called meets and are usually held outdoors. Track and field training involves conditioning programs that make the athletes more competitive during the season. References â€Å"Track and Field Training†. Hackett, Brad. â€Å"Pre-Season Conditioning†. â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18 â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17
Monday, January 20, 2020
To Learn...Or Not to Learn Essay -- Education
Have you ever been a student, and you think the teacher is just talking to hear themselves talk? Do you feel yourself being filled with information you will never use in the â€Å"Real World†? These questions have been asked many times and by many people. The school system in the United States is changing from the foundation to the top. The school system has failed many students by their teaching methods and also the textbooks students are forced to use. People such as Paulo Freire PhD and Dr. James Loewen have observed countless hours of good teaching and bad teaching methods. Freire observed and wrote about the different methods of teaching that are being used, and Loewen wrote about how the textbooks are only telling us certain parts of our history. Paulo Reglus Neves Freire, PhD was born in Brazil on September 19, 1921 and died May 2, 1997. Paul Freire was well known for his theories on education. His most noteworthy work was â€Å"Pedagogy of the Oppressed†. In 1993 an exert essay "The Banking Concept of Learning†appeared in continuum. This essay brings to light many ideas current students and alumni have long known; teachers are just using the students head as receptacles for their knowledge. Freire noted many ideas on this subject that are true. Just set back and remember your high school classes or even your college classes. A few examples of one concept Freire named the â€Å"narrative†concept is when the teacher teaches and the students learn, the teacher issues discipline and the students are the recipient and the teacher confuses the knowledge with their own professional authority, in which this limits the freedom of creativity for the students. Teaching such as the â€Å"narrative†concept terro... learning people. The â€Å"problem- posing†concept and practice take the students as face value, and allow a more comfortable atmosphere for learning. Another major flaw in the educational system was identified by Dr. James Loewen, in which he discovered a plethora of misinformation in many History textbooks and other historical artifacts. America wake up, we have to learn the proper way to teach our education but we also have to get our history straight before we send it out into the public. Works Cited â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education,†Trans. Myra Bergman Ramos Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire PhD. New York: Continuum, 1993. Print Loewen, James W. â€Å"Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your History Textbook Got Wrong.†From Inquiry to Academic Writing. Ed. Stuart Greene, April Lidinsky. Boston: Bradford, 2012. 383-403. Print.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Abu Sayyaf Group Essay
Abdurajak Janjalani’s religious and political thoughts provided the basis for ASG’s original ideology.23 The initial premise for creating the group was for a Muslim Mujahideen that would be committed to â€Å"a struggle in the cause of Allah†or â€Å"fighting and dying for the cause of Islam.†24 To his ASG followers Janjalani was more than a leader, he provided their ideological path and enlightenment. Janjalani was well educated and knowledgeable of various areas that impacted the Muslim population in the Philippines. These included the historical, religious, economic, political, and social conditions that existed at the time25 and it was his aim to build his idea of an Islamic state in the southern Philippines to improve those conditions.26 Funding to initiate and support the movement in the beginning was supposedly supplied by Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law.27 This was the first reported link to Al Qaeda. Later, in 1992, Janjalani and his group established an official headquarters in Isabela, Basilan naming the Camp Al-Madinah Mujahideen, but the camp was captured by the Philippine Marines in 1993 forcing ASG to relocate and establish a new base in Patikul, Sulu. This fostered greater cooperation and alliance with Ghalib Andang who led the Sulu-based unit of the ASG.28 Working together the combined ASG forces began an aggressive recruiting effort to expand their manpower, acquire arms and munitions, and began the lucrative series of fund-raising activities in kidnappings and demanding high ransoms.29 Before his death in 1998, Janjalani delivered eight radical ideological messages called Khutbahs. These Khutbahs are regarded as primary sources of his radical Islamic thought and depicted the depth of his Abu Sayyaf . . .5 understanding of Wahabi Islam. One of the Khutbahs exposed an intense resentment of Christian missionaries in Mindanao, especially those regarded as criticizing Islam. His interpretation was that â€Å"aggressive preaching of Christian missionaries in Mindanao thus insulted Islam and provoked Muslims to respond violently. As a result, the bombing of the Christian missionary ship M/V Doulos in 1991 was retaliation against Christian missionaries who used derogatory words against Islam and called Allah a false God.â€
Saturday, January 4, 2020
What Were The Key Social And Cultural Factors That Enabled...
Assessment 3 Short Essay 1000 words What were the key social and cultural factors that enabled the Gospel to spread so quickly through the Roman Empire? Using primary and secondary sources, discuss with particular reference to Paul’s writings and the Book of Acts. Paul more than anyone was responsible for the spread of the Jesus movement into the Gentile world. By the end of the first century Christianity had become an important religious force. Paul while respectful of its Jewish origins moved the Christian faith into a position where it was no longer bound by Jewish law and was able to embrace people of any cultural background. After his own conversion, Paul passionately espoused his message from the Palestinian world through Asia Minor and southern Europe to Rome, the heart of the empire. Some of his letters by Paul to fledgling churches throughout the Roman Empire are contained in the New Testament and outline Paul s theology. He insisted that Gentiles had as much access to the faith as Jews and that freedom from the Law set everyone free. It was this teaching which was essential for the development and success of the early church which would otherwise have remained another Jewish sect. The culture of Paul’s time was Greco-Roman. In the fourth century BC Alexander the Great dominated the Near Eastern world and was a strong devotee of Greek culture. He brought the Greek language to the Eastern world, a tongue that became the Lingua franca of early Christianity withShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagestheory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and indeedRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesnormally be a prerequisite that some type of analysis of the stra tegic position is undertaken, using the case material. When planning the use of these cases within programmes, care needs to be taken to balance the time taken on such strategic analysis so as to allow the time required to analyse the main issues for which the case has been chosen. Where the text and cases are being used as the framework for a strategy programme (as we hope they will), it is essential that students are required to undertakeRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesways of improving it. Although always appealing to his economic understandings, he has been open to a wide variety of other ideas, recognizing their intellectual strengths and capabilities rather than making artificial distinctions between what is acceptable and what is not. He also has contributed widely to the accounting literature, taking forward the British tradition of economic theorizing in financial accounting as well as being a constant source of creative t hinking in the management accountingRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages................. 23 What is a Statement?............................................................................................................................ 23 What is an Argument?......................................................................................................................... 25 What is the Issue?................................................................................................................................. 28 What is a Proof?.............
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