Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Track And Field training Essay Example for Free
Track And Field training Essay Introduction            Track and field sport is a contest in running, hurdling, walking, jumping, vaulting, and throwing. The track events (running, hurdling, and walking contests) are held on an oval track. The field events (jumping, vaulting, and throwing contests) are held at various areas nearby. The season begins indoors in winter and extends throughout the summer. A related sport, conducted in the autumn, is cross-country running. A track and field normally includes 10 to 30 of the more than 50 events. Most meets are held outdoors in spring and summer. Some are held in indoor arenas during the winter months. A meet may be for males only, or for females only, or for both sexes (see â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18). Men and women do not compete against each other. Most events are contests between individual athletes who represent different teams. Each person earns points for his team if he finishes an event in first, second, or third (and sometimes fourth, fifth, or sixth) place. The team with the highest score wins the meet. In the Olympic Games, however, only individual winners are recognized except in team sports. Moreover, the Track and field, or athletics as it is called in many countries. Track events are conducted over distances measured in metres or, in some American meets, in yards. Older American tracks are 440 yards in circumference, but most built since the late 1970s are 400 metres in circumference. The older tracks can easily be converted to metric distances). An indoor track is usually between 160 and 220 yards (or 150 and 200 meters) in circumstance. A lap is one time around the track (see â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18).            Running contests include dashes, or sprints (55 to 400 metres; 60 to 440 yards); middle-distance races; and long distance races (3,000 metres or 2 miles or more). Hurdling is a race over hurdles (barriers) that are spaced an equal distance apart on the track. Hurdles vary in height according to the age and sex of the competitors. The steeplechase is a 3,000-metre or 2-mile race over hurdles, hedges, and pools of water. In relay races, four-runner teams compete, each athlete running part of the distance. Walking events are races in which the contestants walk for a distance of 800 metres to 50,000 metres (31 miles) (see â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18).            The intents of this paper are to: (1) know the history of track and field and its rules and scoring; (2) be aware of the current information on track and field training and; (3) figure out the conditioning program/s of track and field training. Background History of track and field            Track and field is one of the oldest of sports. Athletic contests were often held in conjunction with religious festivals, as with the Olympic games of ancient Greece. For 11 centuries, starting in 776 BC, these affairs for men onlyâ€â€were enormously popular and prestigious events. The Romans continued the Olympic tradition until the time of the Christian emperor Theodosius, who banned the Games in AD 394. During the middle Ages except for a short-lived revival in 12th-centruy England, organized track and field as a modern sport impetus through their interclass meets, or meetings as they are still called in Britain and in 1849 the Royal Military Academy held the first organized track and field meet of modern times(see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). Not until the 1860s, however, did the sport flourish. In 1866 the first English championships were held by the newly formed Amateur Athletic Club. The Amateur Athletic Club gave way to the Amateur Athletic Association in 1880, which has conducted the annual national championships since that date. Although meets were held on the North American continent as early as 1839, track and field first gained popularity in the late 1860s, after the formation of the New York Athletic Club in 1868. The Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, an association of track and field clubs, was formed in 1887 and has governed the sport in the United States since then (see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). Rules and scoring            All races are started by the firing gun by an official at the starting line. For races up to and including one lap of an outdoor track, the runners must stay for the entire distance lanes marked on the track. There may be six to eight lanes, with each lane usually measuring 1.2 m (4 ft.) in width. The winner in each race is the runner whose torso first breaks the vertical plane of the finish line. Races are timed either by mechanical watches or by more sophisticated, electronic photo-timers that can measure finishes to the hundredth of a second. Sometimes, owing to the number of contestants in a competition, qualifying rounds, or heats, are held to narrow the contestants down to the fastest runners (see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). Athletes in the field also have qualifying rounds. In the horizontal jumps and throws, athletes are allowed three preliminary attempts in the field numbers more than eight participants. Then the best performers are allowed three more attempts. In the vertical jumpsâ€â€the high jump and pole vaultâ€â€the participants are allowed to continue until they have three successive failures. If two or more contestants tie, the competitor with the fewest failures at the last height cleared it’s the winner; if still tied, the total number of failures is the deciding factor; if a tie remains, the total number of jumps is considered. Scoring systems differ according to the meet. Many national competitions are scored on the basis of 10 points for first place, 8 for second, on down to 1 point for sixth. In international meets, the scoring is 5 for first place, 3 for second, 2 for third, and 1 for fourth. The team with the highest total wins. For road races, cross-country meets, and walking competitions, the winner is given 1 point, the second-place finisher 2 points, and so on; the finish positions are totaled, and the team with the lowest score is the winner (see â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17). III. Discussion Current information on track and field training            There are three vital cycles in a track and field training program and these are the pre-season (happens in September throughout mid November), an indoor season (happens from December through early March, and the outdoor seasonâ€â€later part of March through early June (see â€Å"Track and Field Training†).            The pre-season normally includes of â€Å"getting into shape†for the upcoming seasons. This program will include of â€Å"weight room, cardiovascular work, sprint mechanics, and core strength for the abdominals, hips and lower back†(see â€Å"Track and Field Training†). The training program must not be severe to keep away from burnout toward the end of the season. In each season, the recovery periods are essential. During the track and field training program, lifting like â€Å"cleans, squats and dead lifts†may be included three times a week. Another exercise that can be included in the training is the arm work like â€Å"bench, military, lat pull, and pull ups†(see â€Å"Track and Field Training†). Moreover, the coach needs to identify that in pre-season conditioning, there are four main areas that require to be enhanced for any track and field athlete. Various exercises are part of the track and field training and if the exercises for a specific body part have been recognized, circuits may be made so that the specific aspect will be managed properly. The circuits need to be timed instead of indicating an exact quantity of exercise in which every athlete is given a chance to work on with his/her own ability and abdomen circuit is of the examples. This circuit is timed by 30 recommended to be â€Å"30 seconds on 30 seconds off for every exercise†(see Hackett, Brad. â€Å"Pre-Season Conditioning).  ØAbdomen Circuit 30 on 30 off  ª Crunches  ª V-Sits  ª Opposite Knee (Chinnies)  ª Double Leg Eagles  ª Toe Touches  ª Leg Toss  ª Back Hypers with a twist  ª Side Ups Conditioning program/s of track and field training.            In the general training season, circuit training is significant. If the circuit training for the pre-season conditioning is done earlier, the coach still has the chance to enhance the fitness level of the team without endangering the individual. In general preparation and conditioning, there are things to be followed and these are in place jumps, bounding, box jumps, hurdle hops, abdomen circuit, multi shot throws, general strength circuit, weight room, and track workouts (see Hackett, Brad. â€Å"Pre-Season Conditioning).  Conclusion            Track and field, or athletics as it is called in many countries, is the designation given to contests for men and women that involve running, jumping for height and distance, and throwing for distance using implements of standardized design. Competitions in Track and Field are called meets and are usually held outdoors. Track and field training involves conditioning programs that make the athletes more competitive during the season. References â€Å"Track and Field Training†. http://www.athletesacceleration.com/track-and-field-training.html Hackett, Brad. â€Å"Pre-Season Conditioning†. http://www.everythingtrackandfield.com/catalog/matriarch/OnePiecePage.asp_Q_PageID_E_151_A_PageName_E_ArticlePreSeasonConditioning â€Å"Track and Field†. Grolier encyclopedia of knowledge, pp. 308-311 vol. 18 â€Å"Track and Field†. New Standard Encyclopedia, pp. T-341-T-345 vol. 17
Monday, January 20, 2020
To Learn...Or Not to Learn Essay -- Education
Have you ever been a student, and you think the teacher is just talking to hear themselves talk? Do you feel yourself being filled with information you will never use in the â€Å"Real World†? These questions have been asked many times and by many people. The school system in the United States is changing from the foundation to the top. The school system has failed many students by their teaching methods and also the textbooks students are forced to use. People such as Paulo Freire PhD and Dr. James Loewen have observed countless hours of good teaching and bad teaching methods. Freire observed and wrote about the different methods of teaching that are being used, and Loewen wrote about how the textbooks are only telling us certain parts of our history. Paulo Reglus Neves Freire, PhD was born in Brazil on September 19, 1921 and died May 2, 1997. Paul Freire was well known for his theories on education. His most noteworthy work was â€Å"Pedagogy of the Oppressed†. In 1993 an exert essay "The Banking Concept of Learning†appeared in continuum. This essay brings to light many ideas current students and alumni have long known; teachers are just using the students head as receptacles for their knowledge. Freire noted many ideas on this subject that are true. Just set back and remember your high school classes or even your college classes. A few examples of one concept Freire named the â€Å"narrative†concept is when the teacher teaches and the students learn, the teacher issues discipline and the students are the recipient and the teacher confuses the knowledge with their own professional authority, in which this limits the freedom of creativity for the students. Teaching such as the â€Å"narrative†concept terro... ...able learning people. The â€Å"problem- posing†concept and practice take the students as face value, and allow a more comfortable atmosphere for learning. Another major flaw in the educational system was identified by Dr. James Loewen, in which he discovered a plethora of misinformation in many History textbooks and other historical artifacts. America wake up, we have to learn the proper way to teach our education but we also have to get our history straight before we send it out into the public. Works Cited â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education,†Trans. Myra Bergman Ramos Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire PhD. New York: Continuum, 1993. Print Loewen, James W. â€Å"Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your History Textbook Got Wrong.†From Inquiry to Academic Writing. Ed. Stuart Greene, April Lidinsky. Boston: Bradford, 2012. 383-403. Print.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Abu Sayyaf Group Essay
Abdurajak Janjalani’s religious and political thoughts provided the basis for ASG’s original ideology.23 The initial premise for creating the group was for a Muslim Mujahideen that would be committed to â€Å"a struggle in the cause of Allah†or â€Å"fighting and dying for the cause of Islam.†24 To his ASG followers Janjalani was more than a leader, he provided their ideological path and enlightenment. Janjalani was well educated and knowledgeable of various areas that impacted the Muslim population in the Philippines. These included the historical, religious, economic, political, and social conditions that existed at the time25 and it was his aim to build his idea of an Islamic state in the southern Philippines to improve those conditions.26 Funding to initiate and support the movement in the beginning was supposedly supplied by Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law.27 This was the first reported link to Al Qaeda. Later, in 1992, Janjalani and his group established an official headquarters in Isabela, Basilan naming the Camp Al-Madinah Mujahideen, but the camp was captured by the Philippine Marines in 1993 forcing ASG to relocate and establish a new base in Patikul, Sulu. This fostered greater cooperation and alliance with Ghalib Andang who led the Sulu-based unit of the ASG.28 Working together the combined ASG forces began an aggressive recruiting effort to expand their manpower, acquire arms and munitions, and began the lucrative series of fund-raising activities in kidnappings and demanding high ransoms.29 Before his death in 1998, Janjalani delivered eight radical ideological messages called Khutbahs. These Khutbahs are regarded as primary sources of his radical Islamic thought and depicted the depth of his Abu Sayyaf . . .5 understanding of Wahabi Islam. One of the Khutbahs exposed an intense resentment of Christian missionaries in Mindanao, especially those regarded as criticizing Islam. His interpretation was that â€Å"aggressive preaching of Christian missionaries in Mindanao thus insulted Islam and provoked Muslims to respond violently. As a result, the bombing of the Christian missionary ship M/V Doulos in 1991 was retaliation against Christian missionaries who used derogatory words against Islam and called Allah a false God.â€
Saturday, January 4, 2020
What Were The Key Social And Cultural Factors That Enabled...
Assessment 3 Short Essay 1000 words What were the key social and cultural factors that enabled the Gospel to spread so quickly through the Roman Empire? Using primary and secondary sources, discuss with particular reference to Paul’s writings and the Book of Acts. Paul more than anyone was responsible for the spread of the Jesus movement into the Gentile world. By the end of the first century Christianity had become an important religious force. Paul while respectful of its Jewish origins moved the Christian faith into a position where it was no longer bound by Jewish law and was able to embrace people of any cultural background. After his own conversion, Paul passionately espoused his message from the Palestinian world through Asia Minor and southern Europe to Rome, the heart of the empire. Some of his letters by Paul to fledgling churches throughout the Roman Empire are contained in the New Testament and outline Paul s theology. He insisted that Gentiles had as much access to the faith as Jews and that freedom from the Law set everyone free. It was this teaching which was essential for the development and success of the early church which would otherwise have remained another Jewish sect. The culture of Paul’s time was Greco-Roman. In the fourth century BC Alexander the Great dominated the Near Eastern world and was a strong devotee of Greek culture. He brought the Greek language to the Eastern world, a tongue that became the Lingua franca of early Christianity withShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagestheory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and indeedRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesnormally be a prerequisite that some type of analysis of the stra tegic position is undertaken, using the case material. When planning the use of these cases within programmes, care needs to be taken to balance the time taken on such strategic analysis so as to allow the time required to analyse the main issues for which the case has been chosen. Where the text and cases are being used as the framework for a strategy programme (as we hope they will), it is essential that students are required to undertakeRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesways of improving it. Although always appealing to his economic understandings, he has been open to a wide variety of other ideas, recognizing their intellectual strengths and capabilities rather than making artificial distinctions between what is acceptable and what is not. He also has contributed widely to the accounting literature, taking forward the British tradition of economic theorizing in financial accounting as well as being a constant source of creative t hinking in the management accountingRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages................. 23 What is a Statement?............................................................................................................................ 23 What is an Argument?......................................................................................................................... 25 What is the Issue?................................................................................................................................. 28 What is a Proof?.............
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