Saturday, February 22, 2020

IT Productivity Through Software Usage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IT Productivity Through Software Usage - Essay Example The basic functionalities of all three applications are explained as well as its use and importance in providing enhanced efficiency and productivity, which not only saves time, energy and resources but also provides for an easier and more enjoyable interface, which makes work stress free and therefore productive. Introduction As technology spreads its roots farther and farther deeper into our very existence, perhaps its greatest influence is being felt in the changing trend being seen by offices, enterprises, organizations and even student bodies, where software applications are being used more and more instead of conventional systems of writing, editing, storing, retrieving and organizing. The use of Information Technology and software in replacing conventional methods of data representation, editing and storing is fast taking over all other alternatives as its advantages are so great and obvious that to do otherwise would make no sense. This is not only because it far enhances pro ductivity due to the amount of time it saves, but also because as it makes work easier, it generally reduces stress, which further enhances productivity (Allen, 2002) Tools used for these purposes are vast and many, but the primary ones that find functionality in almost any organization at all, at the smallest level or the largest, are Word, PowerPoint and Excel, with the first being used to create documents, the second being used to represent data and the third being used to organize efficiently this datum. Libraries, offices, supermarkets, multinational corporations, student offices, entrepreneurs alike all find use for the simple, easy, efficient and highly useful functionalities provided by these three most basic software applications as well as countless others, especially because it makes operations highly more efficient, saving time, which in turn naturally enhances productivity. Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is a word processing application and Microsoft’s primary sof tware for writing and editing text based documents. Owing to its use as the base of all text based documents, it is one of the most primary tools of use in an office based setting but it has great use and application in almost any enterprise, small or big, as well as personal home-based used, which can be academic or otherwise. Microsoft Word creates documents such as reports, briefs, letters, questionnaires, summaries and countless others with great ease particularly due to its inbuilt features such as spell check, word count and easy formatting options. Yet although Word’s use as a text editor is obvious and indeed its most common functionality, Microsoft Word also has a great many other features, which provides great functionality, increased organization and enhanced effectiveness, if used correctly. Using Microsoft Word for editing documents provides advantages over writing without due mostly to aforementioned features which automatically perform word count and spell chec k, but also because documents are very easily formatted and edited, without any obvious evidence of prior revisions. This is especially useful when the user may constantly need to update information in a certain document. Word can also be used to create tables and graphs. These are most useful when the table needs little changing or editing other than to add more rows of information, though newer versions are capable of performing automatic operations on all the members of a certain row or column. These tables and graphs are

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Global in and global out in regard of food industry in Japan Research Paper

Global in and global out in regard of food industry in Japan - Research Paper Example Japanese Food The Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market generally known as Tsukiji Market is considered to be one of the biggest wholesale fish markets around the globe. The market is situated in Tsukiji city of Tokyo and is determined to be a major attraction for many foreign visitors because of its large variety of fish and seafood7,8. The contribution of Tsukiji Market for spreading Japanese food culture globally is considered to be noteworthy. Not only the market provides a wide variety of fish to the nation but it is also a global provider of various fishes to some of the most renowned restaurant chain businesses and hotels around the globe. A few of the most well-known Japanese cuisines that have gained considerable amount of likings globally include Sushi, a food item that consists of cooked vinegared rice with a combination of other ingredients such as raw food or other sea foods and meat occasionally, Tempura, dish prepared of sea foods or vegetables that is battered a nd deep fried along with ramen; a type of white noodles served with meat and fish and often flavored with soy sauce or miso9. According to many critics, it has been stated that the main reason behind the rapid globalization and adaption of Japanese culture and practices worldwide is the result of its manga and animations series that are being telecast in various regions of the world. However, it has been viewed that it is not only the Japanese culture that is establishing its trends in other nations however the culture of different nations including their food habits are being invaded in Japan as well. For instance, in a research conducted by Kamei, M., Ki, M., Kawagoshi, M., and Kawai, N. (2001) it was viewed that 24 out of 100 lunch boxes in Japan contained food items such as hamburgers,... The aspect of globalization is considered to be a vital constitute in today’s society. It has been viewed that the advent of globalization has not only changed the way one does business but has also brought drastic alterations in the cultural and religious facets associated with an individual. One such crucial facet is the change in the food habits of people. Japan which is regarded as one of the most renowned countries in the world, specially for their food habit that help the people to live long, has been facing rapid challenges due to globalization of the food industry. This has not only resulted in changing the food habits of an individual but has motivated other nations to invent new food items following their steps that are affecting the health aspects of the civilians in the nation. With reference to the above discussion, it can be viewed that the way in which modern food industry has motivated people to adopt food items as their daily supplementary provider that are le ss healthy. However, if proper steps are taken by the government to promote the difference in the ingredients amid western and Japanese products along with highlighting the disadvantages of consuming some unhealthy food items then the issue can be mitigated to a great extent. Thus, it can be concluded that practices such as campaigns and government programs to create awareness would not only stop people to adapt such food habits but would also facilitate people to return to their traditional eating habits and culinary methods by reducing the risk of nutrition related diseases to a great extent.